UW Allen School Security and Privacy Research Lab

Augmented Reality, Computer Security, and Privacy


Publications, Talks, and Other Writings

Handling Identity and Fraud in the Metaverse [Link to PDF]
Rachel McAmis, Betül Durak, Melissa Chase, Kim Laine, Franziska Roesner, and Tadayoshi Kohno.
IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine
June 2024

When the User Is Inside the User Interface: An Empirical Study of UI Security Properties in Augmented Reality [Project Website] [PDF]
Kaiming Cheng, Arka Bhattacharya, Michelle Lin, Jaewook Lee, Aroosh Kumar, Jeffery F. Tian, Tadayoshi Kohno, and Franziska Roesner
33rd USENIX Security Symposium
August 2024

Exploring User Reactions and Mental Models Towards Perceptual Manipulation Attacks in Mixed Reality [PDF]
Kaiming Cheng, Jeffery F. Tian, Tadayoshi Kohno, and Franziska Roesner
32nd USENIX Security Symposium
August 2023

Security, Privacy, and Safety for XR: The Next 10 Years (Workshop Keynote) [Link to Slides]
Franziska Roesner
SSPXR: Novel Challenges of Safety, Security and Privacy in Extended Reality (CHI 2022 Workshop)
April 2022

Security and Privacy for Augmented Reality: Our 10-Year Retrospective [PDF]
Franziska Roesner and Tadayoshi Kohno
VR4Sec: 1st International Workshop on Security for XR and XR for Security
August 2021

Designing Privacy-Informed Sharing Techniques for Multi-User AR Experiences
Shwetha Rajaram, Franziska Roesner, and Michael Nebeling
VR4Sec: 1st International Workshop on Security for XR and XR for Security
August 2021

Our Reality: A Novella [Link to Book and Companion Materials]
Tadayoshi Kohno
June 2021

2019 Industry-Academia Summit on Mixed Reality Security, Privacy, and Safety: Summit Report [PDF]
Edited by Franziska Roesner and Tadayoshi Kohno; see PDF for contributors
Report from Summit held in September 2019 at the University of Washington
April 2020

Secure Multi-User Content Sharing for Augmented Reality Applications [PDF] [Talk Video]
Kimberly Ruth, Tadayoshi Kohno, and Franziska Roesner
28th USENIX Security Symposium
August 2019

Enabling Multiple Applications to Simultaneously Augment Reality: Challenges and Directions [PDF]
Kiron Lebeck, Tadayoshi Kohno, and Franziska Roesner
20th Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile)
February 2019

Challenges and New Directions in Augmented Reality, Computer Security, and Neuroscience -- Part 1: Risks to Sensation and Perception [Link to PDF]
Stefano Baldassi, Tadayoshi Kohno, Franziska Roesner, and Moqian Tian
June 2018

Towards Security and Privacy for Multi-User Augmented Reality: Foundations with End Users [PDF] [Talk Video]
Kiron Lebeck, Kimberly Ruth, Tadayoshi Kohno, and Franziska Roesner
39th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (Oakland)
May 2018

Arya: Operating System Support for Securely Augmenting Reality [Link]
Kiron Lebeck, Kimberly Ruth, Tadayoshi Kohno, and Franziska Roesner
IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine (invited article)
January/February 2018

Who is Thinking about Security and Privacy for Augmented Reality? [Link] [Talk Video]
Franziska Roesner
MIT Technology Review (invited article)
October 2017

Securing Augmented Reality Output [PDF] [Talk Video]
Kiron Lebeck, Kimberly Ruth, Tadayoshi Kohno, and Franziska Roesner
38th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (Oakland)
May 2017

How to Safely Augment Reality: Challenges and Directions [PDF]
Kiron Lebeck, Tadayoshi Kohno, and Franziska Roesner
17th Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile)
February 2016

Augmented Reality: A Technology and Policy Primer [PDF]
Ryan Calo, Tamara Denning, Batya Friedman, Tadayoshi Kohno, Lassana Magassa, Emily McReynolds, Bryce Clayton Newell, Franziska Roesner, and Jesse Woo
Tech Policy Lab, University of Washington
September 2015

Display Leakage and Transparent Wearable Displays: Investigation of Risk, Root Causes, and Defenses [PDF]
Tadayoshi Kohno, Joel Kollin, David Molnar, and Franziska Roesner
Microsoft Research Technical Report, MSR-TR-2015-18
February 2015

World-Driven Access Control for Continuous Sensing [PDF]
Franziska Roesner, David Molnar, Alexander Moshchuk, Tadayoshi Kohno, and Helen J. Wang
21st ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS)
November 2014

Augmented Reality: Hard Problems of Law and Policy [PDF]
Franziska Roesner, Tamara Denning, Bryce Clayton Newell, Tadayoshi Kohno, and Ryan Calo
UbiComp 2014 Workshop on Usable Privacy & Security for wearable and domestic ubIquitous DEvices (UPSIDE)
September 2014

In Situ with Bystanders of Augmented Reality Glasses: Perspectives on Recording and Privacy-Mediating Technologies [PDF]
Tamara Denning, Zakariya Dehlawi, and Tadayoshi Kohno
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI)
April 2014

Security and Privacy for Augmented Reality Systems [Link] [PDF]
Franziska Roesner, Tadayoshi Kohno, and David Molnar
Communications of the ACM, Vol. 57, No. 4, Pages 88-96 (cover story)
April 2014

Operating System Support for Augmented Reality Applications [PDF]
Loris D'Antoni, Alan Dunn, Suman Jana, Tadayoshi Kohno, Benjamin Livshits, David Molnar, Alexander Moshchuk, Eyal Ofek, Franziska Roesner, Scott Saponas, Margus Veanes, and Helen J. Wang
14th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS XIV)
May 2013

Augmented Reality: Challenges and Opportunities for Security and Privacy [PDF]
Franziska Roesner, Tadayoshi Kohno, and David Molnar
May 2011